Monday, April 30, 2018

The Dieline Awards 2018: Nongfu Spring - Vitamin Water

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The vitamin-enriched water of the Nongfu company demanded a carefully balanced design approach that would convey the product’s medicinal qualities without creating an unfriendly or niche-like overall look. We decided to emphasize the container component of the packaging and designed a new one that points to the shape of a pharmaceutical capsule. The obloid bottle calls forward, in an immediate, almost subliminal way, the science that generated the particular water, while the specific symbols on its semi-transparent surface serve as indexes of the various health benefits within the specific product range. A large V shape – that stands for both, the product name, “Victory” and its key ingredient, ‘Vitamin’ - dominates each container, sharply pointing to the health-related info on the bottle while also echoing the color/flavor/quality variant in the bottle.

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Agency: Mousegraphics
Client: Nongfu Spring China
Location: Greece

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