Monday, April 30, 2018

The Dieline Awards 2018: Homo Sapiens – Tales Of The Flame



Create a set of scented candles for Homo Sapiens, a Chinese brand of luxury household goods that believes in bringing traditional handmade skills back to the modern day.

Consumer Insight:

More and more consumers are wanting to opt out of the technological advancement and social media, feeling that time on the screen and being ‘always on’ is harming society, our sense of community and real social interaction.

Exclusive Mockups for Branding and Packaging DesignExclusive Mockups for Branding and Packaging Design


Get back to our roots. Using the essence of the brand to create a positive behavioural change in the way we spend our spare time. Create a moment, that can become a ritual, “Always on” becomes “Sometimes off”. The ancient tradition of storytelling around the tribal fire brought people together. In a modern version, we invite consumers to create a spark in the ancient way, light the flame and tell the tale through our set of storybooks.

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Art Directors & Designers: Team holmes&marchant
Client: Homo Sapiens
Location: China

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