Monday, April 30, 2018

The Dieline Awards 2018: Nielsen Design Impact Award Winners


Nielsen Design Impact Awards

Package design often doesn’t get the attention it deserves compared to other marketing tactics because it can be difficult to attribute sales impact to pack design. Given Nielsen’s vast data assets, they knew they were in a unique position to demonstrate the power of effective package design and celebrate the brands who are really embracing its potential.

Nielsen doesn’t have a panel of experts who select the most beautiful packaging. Their judges are consumers—and the steely, naked truth of in-market performance. Today, they are celebrating five of the most impactful redesigns in fast-moving consumer goods over the past 2 years.

With our partnership with Nielsen Design Solutions, The Dieline Awards is the only package design awards competition to leverage retail performance data as part of the winner identification process. As a complement to retail data, Nielsen surveys thousands of consumers to assess how well each redesign will address its core communication objective and to gauge purchase preference for the new packages over the old ones.

Nielsen, the global performance management company, believes in the importance of knowing what consumers watch, buy and listen to. By studying the habits of consumers in over 100 countries, they offer a complete view of trends and habits around the world. Their work is twofold: exploring how people consume content and uncovering what attracts them to make a purchase. Together, this information offers businesses and brands of all sizes a deep understanding of how to improve their performance.

View Winners

Last year, we introduced the Nielsen Design Impact Award, in which winners were chosen by combining choice and diagnostic responses from a large number of category consumers with point-of-sale data, this award highlights the power of an effective redesign. Unlike the other categories where winners are selected by our esteemed jury, the Nielsen Design Impact Award puts the decision in consumers’ hands. By highlighting the statistical improvement a brand can make, the Nielsen Design Impact Award recognizes the tangible power of design.

This year we are thrilled to expand this category to recognize more outstanding redesigns that have boosted sales and made a mark in the market.


Honorable Mentions

Sabra Guacamole

Designed by: Beardwood&Co.


Sabra Guacamole experienced a sales decline for the first time ever in 2015, so they involved Beardwood&Co. to revitalize the offering. Originally, the brand felt it needed to look different from the hummus offerings, but it became apparent the packaging lacked a connection to the parent brand. Bringing the iconic red rim on the hummus package over to the guacamole immediately increased brand impact leading to double digit sales growth.


Tessemae’s Organic Salad Dressing

Designed by: Harvey


Tessemae’s Organic Salad Dressing realized its once unique folksy charm wasn’t winning with consumers in the refrigerated salad dressing aisle anymore. With the help of Harvey, vibrant pops of color on white backgrounds and a playful, easy-to-navigate system for the health benefits delivered a clean and impactful design resulting in almost 200% growth in sales.




Designed by: Coca-Cola Design and Turner Duckworth


If you’re going to shake up the dairy door with a proposition that takes dairy to the next level, your packaging plays a critical role in educating and inspiring consumers to try something different. fairlife did just that only a year after its national launch in 2015. The front panel showcases functional claims, but there’s humanity to the design–the detail in the cow, the soft fonts and the colors are all parts of the craft. Too much art without science is just a nice piece of design work, but too much science without art, feels sterile. In this case, it was that perfect balance. They left no stone unturned to find the design that would lead to 55% sales lift, growing faster than the entire organic, plant-based and dairy alternative segments combined.


Ice Breakers Ice Cubes

Designed by: LPK


Hershey was in the midst of a global redesign for its Ice Breakers gum and mints candy brand in 2012. The team realized a new worldwide presence warranted a unifying brand identity in the jungle of the impulse candy section, so they involved LPK. It started with one pack, then transcended into a progressive takeover of the individual sub-lines and the whole brand world. Ice Cubes was the missing piece of the puzzle for Ice Breakers’ new visual identity so the team progressively redesigned each sub-line, and Ice Cubes gum was the missing piece of this new visual identity, resulting in 18% sales growth.


Robert Mondavi Private Selection 

Designed by: Affinity Creative Group


Robert Mondavi Private Selection was being overlooked on-shelf and was blending in with the other traditional, cream-colored labels in the competitive set. They involved Affinity Creative Group, who believes in exploring broadly, so they presented the brand with 22 new creative directions. Research then became a pivotal point in the process to narrow down creative options. Robert Mondavi decided on an extreme contrast for their new design with an entirely black label, a very bold move for such a large franchise leading to 14% sales lift.

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