Monday, April 30, 2018

The Dieline Awards 2018: Carsodo Cured Meat

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Carsodo is a brand of cured meat founded in 1895 in Bescanó, a small town of Girona. The purpose of this redesign was to highlight the company’s expertise and create an identity for the brand.

Origin and nostalgia. On these two pillars we built the new image of the brand. Through the origins, we went back to those old charcuteries: walls with white tiles and with tiles decorated with monochrome floral motifs.


The nostalgia took us to those old packaging designs in which the seal, and the brand, were the main and only messages that a product needed to guarantee its quality. It is in this visual brand that we present the character of the label.


The idea came through the investigation of some of its packaging from the 50’s and through the study of traditional packaging. A traditional packaging behaves in a concrete way: for the brands of the past, personalization was a guarantee. A professional butcher looks at the consumer and offers his products. We also wanted to replicate another clear example of the behavior of traditional packaging in the packages of sliced ham. Instead of creating a central window, we put the brand in the center. The brand certifies the quality of the product, in an authentic and honest way, and with the simplicity of a sober chromatic and the strength of a rhomboidal label.


Agency: Eva Estudi
Art Director: Eva Minguella
Designer: Carlos Calahorra
Illustrator: Esteve Fort
Photographer: Paco Arará
Client: La Selva, Joaquim Albertí.
Location: Spain

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