Monday, April 30, 2018

The Dieline Awards 2018: Material Matcha

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Tirelessly produced through time-honored processes in Japan by tea masters, matcha ends up being nothing more than a pure un-compromised green powder; a substance not unlike water, gold, mercury, or a precious stone. The Material Matcha Uji 宇治 identity asks the viewer to contemplate that purity. The logo was created to be imprinted, stamped or otherwise stenciled into/onto any kind of material. Unadulterated materials are then used for aspects of the packaging system to represent aspects of the products creation. Space-age hi-gloss mylar is an otherworldly material which contains the pure, precious matcha. Paper, and photocopy toner are juxtaposed with the mylar to express process. A ceramic vessel, made from recycled ceramic represents the history and tradition of matcha making. With the flexibility of this packaging idea, future packaging can be made from a plethora of materials, and simply “branded” to again celebrate the material, matcha.


Agency: Rice Creative
Art Director: Joshua Breidenbach
Designer: Mark Bain
Client: Material Matcha
Location: Vietnam

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