Monday, April 30, 2018

The Dieline Awards 2018: CARPOS® evoo Par Excellence


The project was to design a system of products (a bottle and its packaging) that can safely hold our evoo par excellence. The main market is Switzerland where the company is also based.


The chief aim was that the user could enjoy this experience with more than one sense and for this reason profound textures have been subtly incorporated within the design. The inspiration for the solutions have been mainly the form of the olive tree trunk in different ways and applications. The ethos of CARPOS® and the project’s guidelines were the tools that 250 exclusively handcrafted bottles saw the light of day. 750 olive trees in the mountains of Rhodope, Greece have been meticulously preserved throughout the year so that the user can enjoy this evoo par excellence with care, like the way it was produced.


Each of the 250 limited bottles is ready to be shipped individually in its own eco-sustainable packaging, structured with no adhesives. The minimalistic organic form of the bottle, the materials and its time-consuming process is what makes it look different. However, the attention to detail and love for what they do is what adds value to the brand.


Finally, research shows that olive oil, the foundation of the Mediterranean diet, could slow down the ageing process of the brain by up to five years. For this reason, we have created the hashtag campaign #addfiveyearstoyourlife. This awareness campaign is only the first of the many, CARPOS is bound to run!


Designed By: Panos Tsakiris
Photographer: dt.Shoot
Printer: Foldings
Manufacturer: George Vavatsis
Client: Ioannis Stoliaros
Location: London, UK/St. Gallen, Switzerland

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