Monday, April 30, 2018

The Dieline Awards 2018: Liberty London

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Earlier this year, Liberty London launched their first ‘own-brand’ food range. Their mission was to find their favourite, small and unique food producers from around the UK – an approach that mirrored their founder, Arthur Liberty from days gone by.

The result of their travels is a range of over 50 products displayed in their own dedicated area in store – The Liberty London mini British Food Hall. Our job was to brand the collection, and design each line of packaging that made it up. Included in the range were a selection of jams, lemon curds, mustards, seaweed, chilli sauces and condiments.


First and foremost, our approach to the branding and design was to avoid the standard, formulaic approach often applied to own-brand range design. This wasn’t a range that could be too uniform or ‘samey’ on shelf. It had to be fun, different and eclectic to make it right for Liberty.

With that in mind, we made the call to not ‘white label’ the suppliers like most other department stores do. Instead we heroed them, bringing their stories and craft to the front of each pack. Doing it this way automatically made sure the range stayed eclectic and much more ‘Liberty’.


To help realise the concept, we commissioned a different artist for each line. Each had their own supplier. We asked them to take their supplier’s stories, products, flavours, and any interesting techniques as the subject matter for each of their pieces. We summarised what we thought could work in a briefing pack bespoke to each artist.

As art directors overseeing the entire range, we were keen to make sure each illustration had a bit of ‘weird and wonderful’ about it. We wanted something running through the entire range to make it feel ‘on brand’.


Behind the scenes we referred to the range as ‘an emporium of creativity’. As a ‘top line’ idea it was always there to make sure we kept everything as interesting and creative as possible.

As part of the collection, we also designed a range of teas, coffee, wine, gin, chocolates, confectionary, truffles and shortbread.

The illustrators are: Dave Anderson, Guy Catling, Hani Abusamra, Margaux Carpentier, Mr Gordo, Rob Lowe a.k.a Supermundane.

Check out more information on the illustrations for this project here.


Designed By: & SMITH

Location: United Kingdom

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