Monday, April 30, 2018

The Dieline Awards 2018: Pchak

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Pchak is a brand of natural snacks - nut supplies and dried fruits. They are presented in a tree hollow with a transparent window through which the customers can see what exactly they buy.


The Challenge:

The hectic urban life is attractive, yet far from being healthy. People spend hours in the traffic and take short breaks that are only enough for fast food. In these circumstances, at least the snacks need to be organic, healthy and nutritious. It’s not so easy to find what you really need among the variety of products on the shelves. Pchak offers a number of products which are not only healthy and tasty but are perfect for vegans and vegetarians as they contain plenty of ingredients that lack in other veggie products.

The biggest challenge of the project was to provide the snacks with an easily recognizable packaging that would motivate the customers to buy.


The Process

The main idea behind our solution was an emotional message - the connection with nature which we lack so much in our daily routine. We started to observe and search for associations and metaphors on how nuts and fruits are preserved in nature. What we discovered was that a tree hollow is most familiar and positively mysterious for both children and adults. Another positive aspect of the tree hollow concept was linked to its “owner”. The squirrel, as we know, is a positive character known for its energy and curiosity and the habit of preserving food. This adorable bouncy creature with its soft and shiny fur resembles youth, freshness, and health.

A tree itself is one of the first objects that recall nature. Thus, it doesn’t take long for a customer to see the reflection of nature in one simple pack of snacks.

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The visualization of this concept softens the consumers’ concern for the presence of GMO, additives, preservatives or other unwanted ingredients in the product.

The functional benefit of this concept lies in its convenience for using it in a car by placing it in the cupholder. Comparing with sandwiches or fresh fruits, this packaging is compact and easy to reach.

We did not want to use additional design elements for the packaging, trying to keep it simple. We used the same approach for the naming - “Pchak” - which is the Armenian equivalent of “tree hollow”. A note on the top cover of the package says that the nuts and fruit are harvested by Mr. Squirrel, a character that served as inspiration for the whole project.


The Result

We created an emotionally attractive product with a clear and convincing message. We believe our customer will find it difficult to pass by the shelf indifferently. Our packaging solution promises health and nutrition, thus making a strong statement for health-conscious customers.

Pchak merges the urban lifestyle with mother nature.


Agency: Backbone Branding
Art Director: Stepan Azaryan
Designer: Stepan Azaryan
Illustrator: Enok Sargsyan
Location: Yerevan, Armenia

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