Thursday, April 5, 2018

Freaky Veggie Chips is a Concept That Wants to Combat Food Waste


Tibor Hegedues designed this conceptual packaging for  Freaky Veggie Chips, a brand that takes “ugly” produce and turns it into a delicious chip snack. The concept is great in that it explores a product that aims to take food waste head on, with a packaging solution that embraces a handmade feeling.


“Whether potato, carrot or yam, these weird guys would never have made it onto a supermarket shelf. Why not? Because they look overgrown, crooked and curvy.

These guys just grew as nature intended. Eccentrics, nerds, oddballs, free spirits, Quasimodos… these tubers and beets grew up knowing that you can’t please everyone.

And why should they? But the fact is, we love misfits and mavericks!

Only the inner values count for us and from these unique and odd-looking veggies, we’ve made the best chips imaginable.

And let’s face it – what is normal?”


Design: Tibor Hegedues 
Copywriter: Harmen Biró, Shane Costello
Location: Hamburg, Germany

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